The Adventures of Archibald and Jockabeb
The Adventures of Archibald and Jockabeb chronicle two young brothers as they grow up experiencing one fantastic adventure after another—oftentimes dangerous and always exciting. The Archibald and Jockabeb series also showcases the classic struggle between the forces of good and evil.
When the boys’ first great adventure begins to unfold, they are twelve and eleven years old. Over the ensuing years, they learn much from their incredible encounters with a host of truly memorable characters—some good, some very bad; some human, some anything but; some from this world, and some otherworldly beyond belief. It is important to note that the boys’ adventures span nine books and we strongly recommend that readers begin with In the Forest and read the books in order to follow Archibald and Jockabeb as they grow older and occasionally recall previous adventures.
The stories are set in the latter part of the 20th century—a simpler time before cell phones, the internet, and social media became part of everyday life.
The series begins with the boys finding a secret cave hidden deep within a mysterious forest close to home. There they rescue an enchanted Native American brave, who in return gives them a magical blue feather and teaches them the mystical words to use along with it. Although it will not be the last blue feather they will receive, the encounter sets off a chain of events that alter the young brothers’ lives in ways they could have never imagined.
Over the years, the boys find adventure in a variety of truly amazing locations that span the globe. From the mysterious forest behind their home, they travel to a secluded summer camp high in the Rocky Mountains, and then to a remote part of the Amazon Rainforest. As one incredible adventure follows another, they begin to question whether it is only the magic blue feather and mystical words that allow them to endure hardship and ultimately prevail, or something else.
After the brothers have turned sixteen and fifteen, they find themselves abandoned in the sweltering Sonoran Desert, coming face to face with the occult in the Caribbean, running for their lives in New York City, being stranded high above the Arctic Circle, and finally traveling to the exotic city of Hong Kong where they are swept up in an ancient Chinese legend. In the last volume of the nine-book series, Archibald and Jockabeb set out for a dangerous and remote part of the Australian Outback. Now approaching young adulthood at seventeen and eighteen years of age, two facts are abundantly clear—the last of the magic blue feather power has been totally expended, and their string of astonishing adventures is far from over!

“Absolutely splendid writing on every level and Archibald and Jockabeb just may find their way onto the theater screens. Highly Recommended!”
– Hall of Fame 100 Review Book Reviews
The series should be read in order as the events in the books occur chronologically and many of the characters play roles in several books.